Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Matt's Big Birthday-40!

Matt's wonderful wife gave him a surprise b-day

party after church with their Sunday School

class! We were able to drive up for the day

and enjoyed the big surprise:)

Everyone loved the chicken salad, (with bacon) ham,

and other goodies plus pie, cheesecake

and Mindy's cookies-not sure of their

name, but that's all I ate!!

Matt received a lovely black cane with many

accessories that he will now be needing.....

magnifying glass, pills, horn, dentures:)

Poor guy!

All of the Anunson's were there to celebrate as well!

(So great to have them closer again.)

We had a beautiful fall day-you can see the

colors in the parking lot.

We all got to see the new improvements to the Anunson

home-the flooring; and the kids spent some time

playing with Duke.

Why isn't Matt excited about his gift?