Monday, September 13, 2010

An evening at Oaks Park

Again this summer the boys were a part
of the summer reading program at the library.
At the end of the program they
give out certain "rewards" and one
is a discounted ride bracelet
for a particular night to visit Oaks Park-our
very own amusement park here in town.
We had a great time as a family
enjoying the rides on a nice
summer night!
We took some fun pictures near the crazy mirrors!

This slide and the roller coaster were our
favorite rides. We got right back in
line many times after we
got to the bottom, to go down again.
We tried to have races to see who
could get to the bottom first.

Josh and Dad went really fast on this ride
and also backwards!
Despite, Alex's cool look in the picture
above, neither of us like the spinning
dizzy rides so we didn't go on the car one!

Oaks Park also has a roller skating rink that
was included with our ride bracelets.
We had a good time rolling around.

The boys had treats on the way out, but poor
Mom; they were out of popcorn!