Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Home Makeover for the Boys Room!

A few years ago we got bunk beds for the boys.

Recently we took them apart!

Then, the boys wanted to change colors so we
started the home make-over in their
room! Alex picked red because it is one
of the Blazer colors.
Josh picked blue for the Denver Nuggets.
We split the room and they each got
a few walls for their color!

It took 3-4 days of work and everyone helped!
Dad was able to cover the chair rail mark
with orange peel after he sanded it down. Yeah!

Here are the new colors with a white divider
down the middle!

We got a new rug at IKEA that makes it warm
and cozy underfoot.
We just have to put up the shelves and
then it will be complete!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day!

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you mother's
out there! Hope you had a great day
with your families:)
I had a great day and was spoiled as usual!

My boys with the gifts they picked out for me!

We had our friends over for dinner later in the
evening and enjoyed playing "Cranium"
with them. The mothers team won!
(With Michael's help, also!)

I spent a bunch of time taking photos of
my lovely flowers.

One question from the game asked you to write
down the first three words that you associate
with a particular topic-for instance we got
"the beach"
Michael and I wrote down the same three
words in the same order!
(sand, sun, water)
Everyone declared that we had really become
"one flesh"!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mowing the Lawn

It was a beautiful Saturday to get outside
and do yard work!

Mowing the lawn, used to mean this!

But now.....

The boys are learning how to mow with the
real mower! Dad won't be mowing
much longer with two sons to help him!
They did a great job:)

I did some trimming etc and took pictures!
Here's a rose next to our front door.

The leaves were falling fast!
It was not as fun to pick them up, however.

I guess we will have to retire
this mower for now. Very sad!
(We'll keep it around for visitors who might
like to mow-maybe Jay and his little brother!)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lots of Birthday Parties!

There must be lots of spring babies that
we know because we have been
having birthday party celebration
after birthday celebration the last
few weekends!
This one was a 2 year old Elmo party!

Then we had birthday dinner to celebrate
with Nana.
We also celebrated Mother's Day a little
early since Nana was going on her
road trip with Poppop!

Josh lost tooth #2 also this past week!

We had marshmellos over the fire for
Lindsey's 20th party!

We also attended a pizza party for a friend
of the boys and did video games and pool!