Friday, December 25, 2009

Kid's Choir Concert

The boys had a super opportunity to sing
in a kid's choir that Summer put together at church!
They did a Christmas concert and I think
will practice and give concerts at other
times of the year as well!
I was surprised and pleased by their interest,
having enjoyed singing in church and
school choirs myself.
Here are Lauren and Russ who
accompanied them on their guitars!
It was a great concert!

The kids were aged seven through Junior High!
Summer's mom-in-law volunteered to make
the choir robes for them! So cute!
Looking down from the sound booth where
I was video taping.

Great singing guys and you look cute, ..uh,
I mean,.... handsome! as well.

The whole choir!
They practiced very seriously for quite
a few Saturdays before the performance.

Super job everyone!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gingerbread Men

Decorating the Gingerbread men was a
great hit at our house this week!
Here we are whipping up the icing that
was the "glue" used to keep all
the candy on!

Everyone loves to lick the beaters!

Some of these got a big dose of leftover
icing at the end! (They started out as
football players!)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas is coming!

This is a picture of the boys with Grandpa.
It was taken last year at Thanksgiving.
I am including it here because we had a nice
visit with Grandpa, last year and this year
over Thanksgiving. This year we left the
camera at home by accident! pictures
from Thanksgiving sad!

The weekend after Thanksgiving we went to
a tree farm to cut down a Christmas Tree!

Great job cutting down that tree, Daddy!

Decorating the tree!

Crazy faces!

Crazy Josh!

Crazy Alex!