Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Last of Basketball

We finished the basketball season this past
week. It was a fun time, but I'm glad to
have some more time at home now!
We had beautiful weather this past couple days
and got outside to ride bikes and play
baseball at the park.
(Mom and Dad lost 4 to 8.)
Alex and his friend from church were on the
same team together-The Cavaliers!

Pop-pop and Nana were the best fans
of the season! They made it to almost
all the boys games, I think!!
We SO appreciate their faithful support,
especially since it is a 40 minute
drive each way.

Upward had a night to go to the the Blazer's game
as a group. After the game the kids were able
to go down on the court and shoot from the
free throw line. (Michael, Alex and Josh
all missed-oh the pressure!)

Alex and Josh with the Blazer mascot!
(Whatever he is!? We've never figured it out.)

Michael enjoyed help from Ehren this season.
He helped every week at practice and
at the games! (Ehren is Connor's dad. Connor
was on Josh's team with him this year.)

The awards night for basketball included a speaker
who did a great job sharing with the
kids through his "dummy" and his tricks
of illusion. It was a fun night, where each
kid got an Upward backpack and had
their name announced by their coach as
they went across the stage!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Here are the new spy guys in the
neighborhood-complete with light sabers!

Joshua lost his first tooth @ 7 1/2 years old!
He has been waiting and waiting for it to happen.
(Alex lost his first tooth at 5 1/2 years old.)
His tooth was very loose and finally was knocked
out when he was playing basketball in the hallway.
(We have a hoop that hangs on the back of the
bathroom door.)

Not sure what this is.

The boys like to listen to a Christian singer called
Toby Mac. Josh decided he needed a soul patch
and other writings on his body.
Alex followed his lead!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Videos of Jay!

I never got the videos uploaded completely from

the previous post-Sorry all! I'm having trouble

for some reason-maybe they are too long?

Here's one that finally uploaded.