Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Visiting with Cousin Jay

Over the weekend on our visit to see our
new baby cousin/nephew we
also spent time in the waiting room
with Jay as he opened his belated birthday
gift from us. He seems to really
enjoy other kids!

Reading a book together:)

I love that Josh is holding his hand-so sweet!

A huge hug!

Alex was so excited to receive his belated
birthday gift as well-a remote control
Chevy Camaro!
(His current favorite car:)
A big thanks to Uncle Matt, Aunt Mindy and Jay!

Some fun times!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Our new nephew/cousin is finally HERE!

We are so thankful for answered prayer for
a fast labor and delivery AND a healthy
mommy and baby!
A big Congratulations!!! to Matt & Mindy:)
Great job Mindy!

He's already talking to his cousin, Alex!

Lots of black hair and cute side burns
on David!

Sorry about the exposure picture, David,
but I just couldn't resist! So cute
while he was being weighed!

Mom and baby both looking great!

A funny little face!

The proud Papa!

Cute as a button with Pop-pop!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Alex's Birthday Adventure

Alex's birthday lasted about a week! It started
at Red Robin for dinner with Pop-pop
and Nana. He loves the free ice cream sundae
and the waiters/waitresses singing!

Next came a big package from TX that was
addressed to all the
Griffith Men!
Daddy got "Tom & Jerry" and some new
summer attire!

Josh loved his new lego set! (Not sure if you can hear it

but he is laughing at the bare chested guy!)

Alex loving his new movie!

Hiding from all the flying darts!

Fun new dart game!

Alex also got Nerf ammunition from his
cousins in Yakima!
He and Josh are set for a big war.

The boys got these long shot guns for
Christmas from their WA cousins!
Now they have tons of new bullets!

Love that long hair do!

Alex has the most creative Dad ever!
We had a sleepover with a spy game that
Dad engineered!
Alex and friends had planned to go to the
nickel arcade, until Daddy announced that
his wallet had been stolen and
that they needed to find the bad guy,
Blackbrow, and get the wallet back!

Here are the spies starting on their adventure
looking for clues at the library!

Inside the library a clue in backwards
lettering was found that needed to be read
using a mirror:)

On to a new location where a double agent
had a bit of information for them!
(We have the best friends ever that
dressed up and were spies
for the occasion!!!)

The boys were to offer the agent a straw

and she moved her coffee cup as the answering signal!

Another secret agent that had a clue at 7-11!

Looking for clues!

Two more special agents that gave the boys
their last clue-a map on the back of
a puzzle that they had to put together
in order to find Blackbrow
at his secret location.

Busy putting the map together!

Ah ha! The map that shows where to find

Blackbrow and get the wallet back!

Finally the boys overtook Blackbrow.

(They gunned him down with their
Nerf guns!)

Special thanks to Blackbrow who did a
pretty nice job of raking at the park
and trying not to look conspicuous!

Then they had the money to go on
to the arcade and enjoy some games!

Car racing at the nickel arcade.

Home again for pizza, a movie and
No sleep!

Happy Birthday, Alex!

Everyone had a great time!

Great job Dad! So creative:)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Daddy's Birthday!

Dad took the day off from work for his
birthday! It was raining but we enjoyed it
even though we didn't do much outside.

Opening cards from each boy-they get
to pick out their own!

He's so excited about his new Wii

For lunch we went to Sonic, after touring the
local Harley Davidson-Dad said
he was planning to buy one because he was
having a mid-life crisis! We got
out without making any purchases.

After lunch a nap was in order!

Then that evening we had Dad and Mom
and some friends over to have
gluten-free chocolate chip cookies!
Boy, you are young:)

Crazy kids fighting before the singing started!

It was a fun evening!