Saturday, March 26, 2011

The end of Basketball Season

The basketball season for 2011 has ended:(
For Alex, (sniff, sniff) his career at
Upward has ended as well. He played for six
years and next year he will have to
play for a community league
or for a local junior high school-we aren't
sure how that works yet!
We have loved the Upward program through
the local Baptist church and have met
many wonderful people there.
The boys decided to put up their jerseys
for each year that they played!
As you can see, Alex has 6 years and Josh
has 3. We look forward to a few more
years for Josh!

The jerseys are reversible so the years that the
boys played together, they each picked a different
side to put up on the wall.

As I said we have loved the Upward experience AND
we have so appreciated all the friends and family
who have come to watch the boys and
cheer them on!
Poppop and Nana get the award for biggest
fans, with the most games
attended!! Yeah:)

This year the program tried to have some
fun little activities during half-time.
Michael won the free-throw shooting against
someone else and got $2 in
Upward bucks to spend at the snack shack.
The favorite treat there, was a
milk shake!
Way to go, honey-you're the man!!!

Alex and his team after the game. He had two
high school guys as coaches and they did
a great job encouraging the boys in basketball
and in their walk with Jesus!
Great to see young people with a heart to
share Christ and teach basketball!

Josh's team after the game, awaiting a snack
and their stars. Each game they are given
a star to encourage their playing-best offense,
defense, Christ-likeness, sportmanship, etc.

We love that the boys are able to play on the team
with friends they know-it seems each year we
have been able to request being on a team
with someone we know and it has
been a blessing!

Alex and his twin sister! (They always get
questioned about whether they are
related or not!)

This year at the end-of-the-year award night
they had a great ball handler who amazed
us all and shared the gospel
with all who attended. Some parents may
not be believers in Jesus, so we always
appreciate that the church takes different
opportunities to reach out to those they are
in contact with through the basketball

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wonderful Weekend With Family

Matt and Mindy have been so great about
packing up their two little boys and coming
down to OR to visit!
We so appreciate your effort you guys:)
We had a great time and
Alex and Josh loved having the extra fans
yelling for them!

Watching the game at close range!

Dancing during the half-time event!

Feeding a hungry David his lunch!

Jay with his snack.

Poppop and Nana are repeat fans!
They come every week-we love
their support:)

Playing later that night after dinner.

What! NO ice cream-we're leaving!
(Just kidding of course, Nana always has
ice cream. Not sure what those
expressions were all about.)

Thanks for the great dinner Mom and Dad!
We so enjoyed being together:)