Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thanksgiving in Ephrata

A long weekend in Ephrata for Thanksgiving
turned into 10 days of an
extended stay with Michael in the
hospital for emergency gall bladder
surgery. Here he is with
his new beard, that he grew during
his illness!

Fred took wonderful care of us while we
stayed for longer than expected!

We enjoyed Thanksgiving Day with Michael's brother
and his family!

The boys had a great time trying out their snowboards
on a hill outside the neighborhood where Michael
grew up. They did really well! (Much better than I
had expected they would-I tried to lower their
expectations before they started and told
them to remember that it would be really
hard to balance and that they might fall often!)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Finishing Up Soccer for 2010

Alex and Josh both had great seasons for soccer
this year. We so appreciated their
coaches and the good attitudes
that they transferred to their players!
They both improved their
skills as well:)

Here's Josh about to give the ball
a big boot!

He really did give it a big boot!!!!

Both boys had pizza parties as their
end-of-the-year team get-together.
Here is Alex waiting to receive his
medal from his coach!

Josh's coach posed with him and gave
him the big thumbs up!

Josh got a great trophy and a ball
that each member of the team
had signed! Great memories:)

Alex with his medal. (I forgot to take
his picture with the medal at the party!)

Josh in action!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Josh's Teeth!

Josh has had two loose teeth for
quite a few weeks!
They were looking crooked
and scary at times.

First, the left one came out while he was
eating cereal! It was dangling by a
thread but he wouldn't let us pull it.

Then, this past Sunday afternoon, he let
a friend's dad pull the other one!

He was ready to sing the song, "All I want for
Chirstmas is My Two Front Teeth"!
Two lost teeth in a week. He might be a little
late, but they are coming out quickly now!
I finally checked his baby book recently and saw
that he only had two teeth when he reached
his first birthday. (No wonder he has
been later in loosing them!)
My memory isn't so good, obviously:)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Barn Dance 25th Anniversary Party

Recently we had a great time at a 25th
anniversary party of friends from church!
We enjoyed dinner, dancing and hanging out
with friends and horses in the barn:)

Look at those cowboys smile!

Feeding some of the horses around the outside
of the arena.

Beautiful horses at the barn that was owned
by relatives of the couple
who were celebrating their anniversary.

Crazy Mike was a crazy dancer-He wore me out!

We loved being with friends from church and
learning a new dance!

Alex cut-in and gave Michael a break!
(Alex's best friend's dad was on the microphone
leading the dancing! He did a great job.)

Monday, September 13, 2010

An evening at Oaks Park

Again this summer the boys were a part
of the summer reading program at the library.
At the end of the program they
give out certain "rewards" and one
is a discounted ride bracelet
for a particular night to visit Oaks Park-our
very own amusement park here in town.
We had a great time as a family
enjoying the rides on a nice
summer night!
We took some fun pictures near the crazy mirrors!

This slide and the roller coaster were our
favorite rides. We got right back in
line many times after we
got to the bottom, to go down again.
We tried to have races to see who
could get to the bottom first.

Josh and Dad went really fast on this ride
and also backwards!
Despite, Alex's cool look in the picture
above, neither of us like the spinning
dizzy rides so we didn't go on the car one!

Oaks Park also has a roller skating rink that
was included with our ride bracelets.
We had a good time rolling around.

The boys had treats on the way out, but poor
Mom; they were out of popcorn!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Birthday Girl!

My birthday was on a Monday, but I felt like I had
a whole birthday weekend because of
all the festivities I enjoyed!

Dad and Mom graciously had my family and some
friends from church over to their house
on Saturday for a great spread of food
and fun for all!

Alex got some grapes stuck in his lip!
(We won't mention any names, but another
adult had the creative idea first:)

I have some wonderful friends who
came to celebrate with me and gave
me sweet gifts as well!

Those boys always teasing poor Lauren!