Saturday, October 12, 2013

French Praire Gardens Pumpkin Patch

We had a great time doing slides, corn shooter,
apple sling-shot, hay maze, corn maze
and beautiful weather also!
What a blessing to be out in the country for
the morning:)


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Fun!

Josh just finished an Akkido class that he enjoyed with
his friend! He learned some self-defense moves:)

Does this remind anyone of Donald Duck?

We also loved our chance at Go-Kart racing!
I guess I was the slowest, but it felt like I was going really fast:)

One handed driving!

We had an older-person visitor recently as well.
Good times!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Moving Days

We had a great visit, helping with moving from the condo
to the new house!
Here are the boys making faces and eating pizza:)

Lots of fun running around in the back yard!
Josh says it is the perfect war zone.

Great little fire pit area for roasting marshmallows!

Lots of help from the moms!

It will be a lovely house/home for our cousins, once they
get all settled!  We are so excited and blessed
for them!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Mini-golf in the Winter?

Well, we had a Groupon that was going to expire, so we had to
get out there and play the course, even though it was really cold:)
Winter time isn't the ideal time for an outside mini-golf course,
although it was a really nice course!

One lost ball in the bushes/water that was finally found!

A couple of the water areas, actually had a layer of ice on the
top that the boys proceeded to break through with 
their clubs!! Oh what fun to be a boy!

It was a great place that maybe we will visit again
when it is warmer!